People with this disorder (or GAD) worry about everyday life events for no reason. They always expect something bad to happen and never stop worrying about health, money, family, office and school etc. In such a situation, there is a state of fear, anxiety and dread in daily life. Eventually, this anxiety dominates the person’s thinking, causing problems in social activity, career, school, relationships, and daily life. Here we will know all about anxiety disorder (GAD), its symptoms, types, treatment and diet.

Understanding Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety is born out of depression, despair and sorrow. When we ignore our feelings, they cause us unhappiness. Similarly, depression can take the form of anxiety if ignored.
In this situation, the person is always afraid that something wrong is going to happen. These are panic attacks. In anxiety attack, a person feels worry, fear and nervousness all the time. Apart from this, the problem of vomiting and nausea is also felt, the heartbeat becomes fast and the breath starts to swell. If this happens again and again, then definitely contact the doctor, otherwise it can be fatal.
What is the Difference Between Anxiety and Disorder?, Symptoms and Causes, Diet and Treatment
Famous American author and motivational speaker Leo Buscagilla famously said, “Worrying does not make your tomorrow miserable, it destroys your today with its power.” (“Worry is not empty tomorrow of its suffering, it is empty of its strength today.”: Leo Buscaglia)
This famous quote by Leo Buscagila is enough to convince you that worry is really like a pyre, which burns a man while he is alive.
Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder.
Everyone has anxiety, so it’s hard to tell when to recognize it as an illness. But if a particular worry persists for too long and starts affecting your work or life, it is really dangerous. You should contact a mental health specialist immediately.

Well, there are many different types of anxiety disorders. But some of their common symptoms are as follows.
• Increased heart rate, shortness of breath.
• Increased muscle tension.
• Chest tightness.
• Feeling increased anxiety and restlessness.
• Excessive attachment to something unnecessary.
• Unnecessary emphasis on something.
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What are the Causes of Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
1. Worrying More
Overthinking about small things and this happening again and again in your life is a symptom of anxiety. Due to this, you are not able to do your important work properly.
2. Stressful Events
Unbelievable events like work load, stress, death of a loved one or breakup with girlfriend etc.
3. Family History
Individuals with a family history of mental disorders may be more likely to develop an anxiety disorder, just as OCD can be passed down from generation to generation.
4. Health Matters
Thyroid disease, asthma, diabetes or heart disease etc. People suffering from depression can also be vulnerable to anxiety. The person who has been suffering from depression for a long time, his efficiency starts to decline. Due to this, the stress related to work starts increasing and then anxiety is born.
5. Drug Use
To forget the pain, sorrow, despair, sadness and pain, many people start resorting to alcohol, drugs and other intoxicants. Believe me, these things can never be a cure for anxiety. Drug use only adds to the problems. As soon as the effect of intoxication ends, the same problems start increasing again.
6. Personality Disorders
Some people have the habit of working with perfection, but when this insistence on perfection becomes a craze, it comes under anxiety. This stubbornness gives rise to unnecessary panic and anxiety among them.
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How Many Types of Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
There is a famous Swedish proverb, “Anxiety sometimes makes us fear a little thing, the fear of growing up.” (“Worry often casts a big shadow over a small thing.“)
This seems true to some extent because anxiety disorders sometimes affect people in the same way. The fear of what is not happening also keeps roaming in the mind of a person.
There are many types of anxiety disorders, but some of the main ones are as follows like :
1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
People suffering from this disorder have a lot of panic and anxiety during various situations and events. Sometimes they cannot even control their restlessness. His condition starts getting so bad that he feels that he is probably going to have a heart attack or he is going to die. It is not necessary that this condition of the patient should be in a particular time or situation only. This can happen at any time without any reason.
2. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
People suffering from this disorder constantly have thoughts that increase their restlessness. They keep repeating the same movements to get relief from the situation. For example, if he feels that his hands have become dirty by touching someone, then he will keep washing hands or household utensils.
3. Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)
People with social anxiety disorder fear going to social or public events. They are afraid to go out in the society because they feel that people will test them and others will make fun of them.
They are also afraid that whatever they do, they will have to face humiliation and embarrassment. Such people are unable to handle everyday situations such as speaking, talking or eating in front of everyone.
4. Fear or Phobia
Phobias are irrational and baseless fears and people who have phobias do their best to avoid objects or situations that cause them unnecessary fear in order to avoid discomfort or panic. For example, they are afraid of traveling in an aeroplane, going to a crowded place, seeing spiders and tall buildings.
Phobia is like the biggest challenge for any patient in many ways. He has to prepare his mind to muster up the courage to face what is in front of him the cause of fear.
5. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Undergoing, witnessing, or experiencing a severe trauma, torture, or trauma, or even a life-threatening attack itself, can turn into PTSD over time. The person suffering from this problem does not get sleep, he is not able to rest properly. He keeps remembering old things again and again.
6. Panic Disorder
Patients of this problem suddenly have a problem of fear. The patient starts feeling dizzy. Shortness of breath, excessive sweating. Some patients feel that everything is going to be ruined while some patients start to fear their death. There is no specific reason for these problems. Even after this, the patient is constantly worried about his return.
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How to Control Anxiety? (Few Phycological Tips)

If this happens to you too, we advise you to see a doctor immediately. Choose a doctor who is an expert in mental illness. If you do not want to take medicines then there is nothing to panic. We tell you some such ways by which you will be able to control your anxiety even without medicine.
1. Scream Loud by Throat
Screaming and crying a lot clears our mind. Anxiety plays havoc with our ability to see and understand reality. Because of this, negative thoughts keep filling inside. If this happens, find a safe place like bathroom, terrace or any private room and scream your heart out there. Pour out your pain with full voice. It sounds strange but many professionals also consider it a good way.
2. Get up, Start Walking
Sitting or lying in one place, we create a train of thoughts. Don’t know where the thinking started from somewhere reaches. Similarly, when your thoughts start troubling you a lot, immediately leave the place where you are sitting or lying down. Get up, walk, do small chores around the house that use your hands. If you are finding it difficult to work, just take a walk. Go to the terrace, walk down the street or in the park. When you walk, your body produces happy hormones that help reduce anxiety.
3. Don’t Skip Eating Food
In anxiety, we often get so caught up in our thoughts that we forget to take care of ourselves. Drink plenty of water during anxiety. If you are finding it difficult to swallow food, then eat something light, but do eat. A full stomach is the solution to many problems.
4. Take Deep Breaths
Our elders may not understand anxiety, but they have definitely been saying that in times of trouble, first of all take a deep breath. You too take long and deep breaths. Forget what is going on in your mind and focus only on your breath. Keep full attention on your breath while inhaling and exhaling. Make it a habit, slowly your restlessness and nervousness will feel relaxed.
5. Do Mindfulness Yoga
Mindfulness yoga is also beneficial in anxiety. Mindfulness means being completely in the moment we are in. Let our mind, our body, all our activities be in the present. Although humans have the capacity for mindfulness since childhood, but mental problems make us worry about the future so much that we cannot live in the present. For this, do deep breathing, as we told. Also touch, smell and feel the things around you.
6. Stay Away from Coffee
In order to relieve stress, people increase friendship with coffee. But in anxiety, when your heartbeat is increased and you are sweating, coffee can harm you more. Keep drinking lots of water and cut your friendship with coffee.
What is GAD Treatment (Treatment for Anxiety Disorder?
(1) Anxiety can happen to a person at any time due to anything but if it is not treated at the right time, it can take the form of depression and the sufferer may have panic and anxiety attacks.
(2) We can get rid of this problem but the seriousness of this problem should not be underestimated. If you, someone in your family or someone you know is suffering from any symptom of anxiety, then it is best that you seek the help of a good doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist for treatment.
(3) Anxiety can be treated very easily with a combination of both medicines and counseling.
(4) If there is a problem of anxiety, its solution is not that you sit considering it as the ultimate truth. Courageously face the problem. One day or the other this anxiety will definitely go away from you.
(5) There is a difference between being careful and worrying! To be careful means to be awake whereas to worry is to keep thinking thoughts deeply which consume you from inside so be careful not worried.
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What to Eat to Get Rid of Anxiety?
1.) Consuming spinach helps in removing anxiety. You can grind spinach and extract its juice and consume it. Spinach can also be eaten as a vegetable. Spinach has anti-stress and anti-depressive properties which helps in relieving anxiety and depression.
2.) Carrots can also be consumed to relieve anxiety. You can eat carrots in the form of salad or you can also consume it by extracting its juice. Vitamins A, C and K are found in carrots, as well as potassium is also present in large quantities, which helps in relieving anxiety and anxiety.

3.) Massaging the head by mixing oils of almond, lavender and michelia, alba leaf etc. also relieves restlessness. This blend of oils has anti-anxiety properties that help relieve nervousness and restlessness.
4.) Nutmeg also helps a lot to get rid of anxiety. Use it in the form of powder while preparing breakfast and food. Nutmeg oil can be used to uplift the mood. For this put a few drops of nutmeg oil on a handkerchief and keep smelling it. This will give a lot of relief.
(Disclaimer : The purpose of this health-related article is to wake you up and aware of your health and to provide health-related information. Your doctor has a better understanding of your health and there is no substitute for their advice.)
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