- Infertility is a condition that can hinder a couple from achieving a healthy pregnancy.
A man has a permanent state of inability to conceive / procreate after one year of unprotected sex with a woman. A medical condition that affects a couple’s ability to conceive. It is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected sex. Infertility can result from many factors, including age, lifestyle.
What is Infertility?, Infertility Causes and Treatments
If you are looking for answer of your question “what is infertility?” then answer is, Infertility is a medical condition characterized by the inability of a couple to conceive or achieve a pregnancy after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse. It affects both men and women and can be caused by various factors.
In women, this medical condition can be caused by ovulation disorders, hormonal imbalances, blocked fallopian tubes, uterine abnormalities, or conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis. Age also plays a significant role, as fertility declines with increasing age.
In men, infertility can be attributed to issues with sperm production, sperm motility, or structural abnormalities. Factors such as low sperm count, poor sperm quality, hormonal imbalances, or genetic disorders can contribute to male infertility.
Symptoms of infertility include irregular periods, irregular or heavy bleeding in women, pain or infection in the vagina, white bleeding from the vagina, and impotence or enlargement or reduction of testicles in men.

There are some options for treating this medical condition such as testing the levels of elements in the body, increasing the sperm storage capacity by self-injection, CSS test or egg and sperm test, or getting pregnant through various methods to increase the chances of conception. help to be other options include surgery to address sperm or ovulation problems, using vitamins or NTMTS and home remedies such as yoga and dietary changes to treat infertility.
Symptoms of Infertility
Infertility is a condition in which a couple is unable to conceive. The causes and symptoms of this disease depend on the gender and age of the couple.
Female Infertility Symptoms
Some of the female infertility symptoms are as follows.
- Irregular menstruation or not working
- Ovarian diseases, such as polyps or fibroids
- Changes in the structure of the uterus with increasing age
- There is a possibility of infection in the genitals
- Being pregnant experiencing pain or distress
Male Infertility Symptoms
Some of the men infertility symptoms are as follows.
- Problems with low or poor sperm production
- Temporary absence of sperm
- Little or no sperm production
- Lack of movement of sperm
- Temporary absence of sperm
- Impurity of sperm
If a woman or a man experiences these symptoms, then they may be a victim of this medical condition. Therefore, if a woman or a man experiences these symptoms, then he may be a victim of infertility. Therefore, couples should take regular care of their health status and be aware of possible infertility symptoms.
This medical condition is a problem that can happen to anyone, so if you are experiencing this problem then you should immediately consult a specialist doctor. They should tell you about your health and lifestyle so that they can recommend the right treatment for you. If needed, they can recommend a sperm test or an ovulation test.
Couples should also note that successful treatment of this medical condition is possible. With proper treatment, you can give birth to a healthy baby and enjoy life’s experiences.
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Types of Infertility
Infertility can be of many different types. This includes primary infertility, secondary infertility, explained infertility and unexplained infertility.

1. Primary infertility
It means that a couple cannot conceive and they are never allowed to conceive. These can include irregular periods, infertility and ovarian dysfunction in women, and absence of sperm in men.
2. Secondary infertility
It occurs when a couple was able to conceive, but is now unable to conceive. The reason for this can be various, such as ovarian disease in women, testicular disease in men, lifestyle or age.
3. Explain Infertility
It refers to couples who already have knowledge about the causes of infertility. In this, ovulation has not been corrected or improved in women and sperm absence or improvement has not been done in men.
4. Unexplained Infertility
It is a condition in which there is no apparent reason for the causes of infertility. Despite all the analyzes according to the couple, the reasons for such infertility are not known.
The treatment process is different for these different types of this medical condition. The couple should consult their doctor and make a treatment plan after examination and tests.
Causes of Infertility
Infertility is a problem that can happen to anyone at any age. It makes couples unable to conceive and there can be many reasons for this. In this article, we will look at male and female causes of infertility.
Causes of Female Infertility
Some of the causes of this medical condition in women are as follows.
- Ovary problems (such as polyps or fibroids)
- Absence of menstruation or irregular menstruation
- Diseases of the ovaries (such as ovarian cysts, ovarian white matter, ovarian epidural infection)
- Uterine diseases (such as uterine fibroids, uterine cancer, uterine polyps, uterine bleeding)
- Genital infections
- Random sex
- Unhealthy lifestyle (such as smoking or drinking)
Causes of Male Infertility
Some of the causes of this medical condition in men are as follows.
- Decreased sperm count
- Temporary absence of sperm
- Decreased motility of sperm
- Presence of anaesthetized sperm or incomplete sperm
- Not having sex regularly
- Unclean or inappropriate lifestyle (such as smoking or drinking)
Apart from these reasons, old age, obesity, alcohol or smoking, stress, high temperature, high pollution and radiation can also be the reasons for this medical condition.
In maximum cases, this problem can also be due to any other familial basis of this medical condition, such as internal organization imbalance, hereditary problems and congenital anomalies.
Your doctor will thoroughly understand your individual situation and recommend the appropriate treatment. Successful treatment of infertility is available, so with proper treatment you can have a healthy baby.
Prevention of Infertility
Infertility is a problem that creates problems in having children. To avoid this problem the following tips can be followed:

1. Regular Sex
Regular sex can possibly help avoid this medical condition. This is likely to allow for greater sperm movement to allow time for the egg to join.
Healthy diet can help in boosting your fertility. You should include food items like fruits, vegetables, walnuts and milk in your diet.
3. Maintaining a Balanced Lifestyle
Improper lifestyle can be one of the main reasons for this medical condition. You should avoid smoking or drinking, and exercise to keep your lifestyle balanced.
4. Timely Treatment
In case of infertility symptoms, you must take timely treatment.
5. Balanced Weight
Overweight and obesity can be one of the main reasons for this medical condition. You must exercise regularly to maintain a balanced weight.
6. Get your Tests Done on Time
You are advised to visit your endocrinologist regularly and get tests done related to your reproductive health. This can possibly save you from this medical condition.
7. Avoiding Stress
Stress can harm your fertility. You should use meditation, yoga and other techniques to reduce stress.
Treatments for Infertility
This medical condition is a problem that causes people to have problems in having children. The solution to this problem can be the following:
Treatments for Female Infertility
1. Use of Medicines
Medicines can also be used for infertility in women. Your doctor may suggest ovulation-stimulating drugs and other medications.
2. Regional Remedies for Conception
Some regional remedies are also available for infertility in women. In this, sonography and other tests are done to see the condition of the uterus. In addition, there may be some procedures to achieve conception such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and injection therapy.
3. Treatment of Sterility Conditions
In women, the condition of Sterility can be treated. For this, a needle is inserted into the interior of the uterus to elicit sperm production.
With these treatments, you can deal with infertility and lead a happy life with healthy children of your own. You should contact your doctor and consult him as to which treatment may be right for you.
Treatments for Male Infertility
1. Use of Medicines
This medical condition in male can be treated with the use of medicines. Your doctor can provide you with drugs that increase sperm production.
2. Surgery
In some cases, surgery may be an option. The vasectomy can be opened through surgery and this allows the sperm to pass easily.
3. Lineage Flow Method
This can be another option for a male absence. In this process, sperm are inserted directly into the baby’s egg.
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What to do in Infertility?
If you are suffering from this medical condition, then you must consult your doctor before facing this problem. They will check your health and may do graceful checks or tests to find the cause of the problem. They will give you suitable treatment and advice which will be best for you.
Ultimately, if you are suffering from this medical condition, you must make a responsible strategy to face this problem with firmness and patience. Yoga, meditation and other sober efforts can be helpful in treating infertility and can help you move in the right direction.
How to Increase Fertility?
If you are interested in having children and wish to increase your fertility, then some of the following tips may prove helpful for you:
1. Rest and Healthy Eating
To increase fertility, you must include healthy foods in your diet. Include nutritious fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Apart from this, you must give enough rest to your body which will help in boosting your fertility.
2. Combined Yoga Practice
Yoga is a very useful technique which helps you to keep the body healthy. Some yoga asanas can also help in increasing your fertility.
3. Avoid Toxic Substances
Alcohol and smoking do not help in boosting your fertility. So, stay away from these intoxicants.
4. Repeated Practice
Fertility of both men and women can be increased through practice. Exercise and yoga are very useful techniques that can help in boosting your fertility.
5. Nutritious Diet
Nutritious diet can help in increasing your fertility. Include nutritious fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
6. Keeping Nerve Healthy
Keeping your nerve healthy can also help in boosting your fertility. Meditation and other joint exercises can help keep your nerves healthy.
Diet to Increase Fertility:
Your diet can also help in boosting your fertility. Some diets that can help in boosting your fertility are:

1. Natural Minerals in Foods
You should get natural minerals like Gingivit and Selenium in your diet.
2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps in increasing your fertility. You get vitamin C in fruits like lemon, guava, kiwi etc.
3. Nutritious Fruits
Nutritious fruits such as pomegranate, grapes and mango can help in boosting your fertility.
4. Nutritious Vegetables
Nutritious vegetables can help in boosting your fertility. Include legumes and vegetables like green vegetables and cabbage in your diet.
5. Nutritious Foods
Include cereals such as paddy, wheat and barley in your daily diet.
6. Avoid Products
You should stay away from products such as fried and junk food.
Fertility is an important issue that has become very common in today’s time. If you have loss of fertility, you should seek medical help. The above remedies and diet can help in increasing your fertility. You should stay healthy and eat healthy foods. Consult experts and plan your treatment with your doctor.
We feel we have provided the answer of “male infertility symptoms, female infertility symptoms, and infertility treatment in this article. But, if you have still have some questions in mind write to us in comment box and we will provide another detail article covering your queries.
Disclaimer : The article’s sole purpose is to wake you up for your health and to provide you the best collective and verified information. We do not recommend for any kind of medicine or treatment. You should only seek to your Doctor or Medical Counselor Because there is no one better than him.
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