Prostate Cancer is a very slow growing disease. Most of the cases, patients never realize that they are suffering with critical condition. When cancerous tissue has started to spread or there is a serious threat to life, one may need to undergo prostate cancer surgery.
There are several types of surgeries available for treating prostate cancer, including radical retropubic prostatectomies, radical perineal prostatectomies, and modern laparoscopic procedures. Below we will talk about Prostate cancer symptoms, causes, clinical surgery and Home remedies.

Overview of Prostate Cancer, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment Options, Home Remedies
The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system, located directly below your bladder. The gland is composed of smaller glands that produce semen fluid.
Prostate cancer occurs when cells in the prostate gland grow uncontrollably. Cancer begins when prostate gland cells undergo small changes in shape and size, known as prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia.
What are the 4 stages of Prostate Cancer?
There are 4 stages of prostate cancer:
Stage 1: Cancers in this stage are small and grow slowly. Till this occur in the prostate, they cant detact it by physical examination. No symptoms or other health problems appear in this phase.

Stage 2: In this stage, the doctor can feel the cancer in the prostate because it is larger than the stage one cancer. Stage 2 cancer has two types, 2A and 2B. It is possible for 2A cancers to be T1 tumors with a high PSA level or T2 or T2B tumors with a low PSA level. 2B cancers can be T2C tumors or T2A or T2B with high PSA.
Stage 3: Now in this stage cancer has grown very fast outside the prostate. That may reached the seminal vesicles, not in the rectum or bladder. This stage of cancer is mostly reversible after treatment.
Stage 4: This is a metastasis stage. It is likely to spread to nearby organs such as the rectum, bladder or to nearby lymph nodes. Such organs as bones also can be affected. Mostly, this stage is not curable.
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What are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?
This serious disease affects middle-aged or older people and especially men above 65 years of age are more prone to prostate cancer. In the early stages, there are no symptoms in men. Possible changes are as follows:
- Difficulty urinating or emptying the bladder completely
- Dribbling urine even after completing urination
- Sudden urgency to urinate
When Cancer Progresses (Metastasizes), Symptoms are:
- Bloody urine or semen
- Severe back or pelvic pain
- Unintentional weight loss
- Problems with erection
- Numbness in Leg or hips
Age does Prostate Cancer Occur?
Since it is a slow-growing cancer, the chances of getting prostate cancer are much lower or lower before the age of 40 years. Although the possibilities may increase after 45-50 years. Also, men over the age of 65 are more susceptible to prostate cancer than any other age group.
How We Can Feel Prostate Cancer?
At each stage, there are different signs that a person can feel.
In the earlier stages of prostate cancer, there are no definite warning signs at which one can feel the presence of a growing tumor. The Patient does not feel any pain nor any discomfort at this stage.
Prostate cancer symptoms begin to appear in the Second Stage. A large prostate gland can cause the following symptoms without requiring a medical diagnosis:
• Frequent and uncontrollable urination.
• Weak streaming of urine.
• Its hard to control over urination, when patient laugh or cough.
• Feeling burning and pain during ejaculation and urination.
• Blood in semen or urine.
• Stiffness in the thighs and lower abdomen.
The third stage of Prostate Cancer is the most serious stage in which the swelling can easily be felt in your lower limbs. The symptoms of the second stage increase which can lead to further complications such as:
• Weight loss
• Paralysis in your lower limbs
• Intestinal problems such as constipation
• Fatigue
• Vomiting
How quickly does Prostate Cancer spread?
Prostate cancer is often classified as a slow-growing cancer, meaning it takes a very long time to spread and infect other parts of the body. In most cases, it does not even require medical help.
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Best Treatment options for Prostate Cancer?
While treating the early stage of prostate cancer, the problems faced by the patients are more than the disease itself. Active surveillance or watchful waiting is always recommended. The cancer is monitored very closely during active surveillance in order to detect any worsening of symptoms. Treatment is started immediately when the cancer is found to be worsening.
The prostate gland, as well as the surrounding tissues and lymph nodes, are removed during surgery. This is called radical prostatectomy. It is done in two ways namely robotic and incisional.
Radiation is used to deliver high powered energy to kill cancer cells. In prostate cancer, it is given in two forms namely external beam radiation and brachytherapy.
In hormone therapy, drugs are given to stop the production of testosterone in the body. Cutting down on testosterone production kills or slows down the growth of cancer cells.
Conditions that indicate Prostate Cancer Surgery?
The following circumstances may necessitate prostate cancer surgery for a patient:
• The age, general health and stage of the cancer determine whether a patient will need surgery.
• To remove cancerous tissue
• Treating localized prostate cancer, which involves removal of the entire prostate and surrounding tissue, including lymph nodes if necessary
• If the cancer has spread to the outer layer of the prostate and is spreading to the seminal vesicles
• When other body parts have been affected by the cancer’s spread. It can occur in nearby lymph nodes and in other organs such as the rectum, bladder, or pelvis.

What is the Prostate Cancer Surgery Procedure?
1. Pre-Process:
Before surgery, you may need to undergo a cystoscopy so that the doctor can check the size of your prostate and your urinary system. Other tests also need to be conducted to measure your prostate and urine flow. Apart from this, there are some instructions that need to be followed:
• Inform your doctor about all the medicines you are taking and see if you need to stop taking any of them before the surgery. For example, you may be advised to stop taking medicines that may increase the risk of bleeding during surgery.
• You may need to stop eating and drinking anything from midnight on the day of your surgery. If you need to take any medicine, make sure you have it with very little water.
• An enema may be required before surgery. An enema is a procedure to clear the bowel before a medical examination or surgery.
2. During the Process:
Prostate cancer surgery can be done in two ways. The most common kind is called a radical prostatectomy. There are two more ways to perform this operation. One is radical retropubic prostatectomy, where the surgeon makes an incision in the lower abdomen.
You are given general or epidural anesthesia. Then the prostate gland and surrounding tissue are removed. If there is a possibility that the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, the surgeon may remove those as well during surgery.
The second type is radical perineal prostatectomy, where an incision is made in the skin between your anus and scrotum. In this case the lymph nodes may not be removed. This surgery takes less time, the pain is less and the recovery period is also faster. However, there is a possibility of erection problems in patients undergoing this surgery.
There are also laparoscopic approaches to performing prostate cancer surgery where very small incisions and long surgical instruments are used to remove the prostate.
3. Post Process:
After surgery, a catheter is placed in the penis so that the bladder can be drained. You need to keep the catheter in place for 1-2 weeks. Depending on your condition, the doctor decides whether you can be discharged on the same day or you need to spend a few more days in the hospital. Before you go home, you will be instructed on handling the catheter and caring for the surgical site.
For a few days, the incision site could be painful. Blood in the urine, burning in the urine, difficulty in holding urine, urinary tract infection (UTI) and swelling of the prostate can be other problems. These symptoms are common and last for a few weeks after surgery. It is advised to reduce your activity level for some time including sex.
What is the life expectancy after Prostate Surgery?
Prostate Cancer surgery success rate:
When it comes to cure, prostate cancer surgery has varying success rates. Patients with their chosen treatment (i.e., surgery, radiation or watchful waiting/active surveillance), according to a reference sheet
Life Expectancy of Patients:
• Upto Five Years – 3%
• Five to 10 years – 9%
• 10 to 20 years – 33%
• Over 20 years – 55%
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What are the Complications of Prostate Cancer?
1. Incontinence:
Both the prostate tumor and its treatment can cause urinary incontinence. Patients with urinary incontinence begin to lose bladder control and may leak urine during urination or have no control during urination.
2. Erectile Dysfunction:
The nerves responsible for erection are located close to the prostate gland. A tumor or treatments such as radiation or surgery can damage such vulnerable nerves. Ultimately, this can ultimately lead to achieving or maintaining an erection.
3. Metastasis:
This type of cancer mostly spreads to all parts of the body and it causes complications like weakness in legs and arms, compression of spinal cord which eventually leads to urinary incontinence, muscle weakness, stiffness in neck, thigh, broken bones leads to And there is severe pain in the spine.
Can Prostate Cancer Kill You?
Yes, if not detected in time, prostate cancer can spread to other organs leading to major organ failure and even death. If a man experiences any of the symptoms associated with prostate cancer, it is advised to seek medical help.
What consequences does Prostate Cancer have in the long run?
There is a small risk of developing a second cancer near or within the radiation field, which is called a secondary cancer. As healthy tissue is targeted for radiation, secondary cancers may develop. Although modern radiation limits exposure, it is not always possible to protect all healthy cells.
After radiation treatment, most men become sterile. It is always advisable to store sperm in sperm banking for the future child. In internal radiotherapy, proctitis is a long-term effect. This condition creates a feeling of tension whether you really need to defecate or not. Mucous discharge and bleeding from the rectum may also occur.
What is the survival rate for Prostate Cancer?
The survival rate in case of prostate cancer depends on the time of detection. Prostate cancer detected at stage one or two has a success rate of about 98%, even after 10 years of treatment for cancer.
If prostate cancer is detected in stage III, the patient’s survival chances drop to about 30% after 5 years of cancer treatment.
How long does it take to recover?
Since prostate cancer surgery which is a major surgery, it is important that you give your body some time to heal. Get enough rest while you recuperate at home and avoid lifting anything heavy for a few weeks.
It is also recommended to avoid driving in the first few days. It may take about 6-7 weeks to feel normal again. Make sure you take your medicines on time and follow your doctor’s instructions, including any lifestyle changes you need to make.
What foods should be avoided after Prostate Cancer?
Foods to avoid after prostate cancer are:
• Fat:
The body needs adequate amount of fat to function properly. And yet, eating too much can lead to weight gain that increases the risk of forced or induced prostate disease. Having vegetable oil instead of animal fat seems to increase the longevity of men with prostate cancer.
• Calcium and Dairy Nutrition:
It is believed that eating a large amount of calcium can increase the risk of malignant growth and dilation of the prostate. It is recommended to consume 2000 mg of calcium per day which is sufficient to keep your bone healthy.
• Alcohol:
Regular and heavy consumption of alcohol increases the risk of prostate cancer. Instead of alcohol, men can consume sparkling juice, non-alcoholic wine or beer, fresh fruit juice, and tea.
• Trans Fatty Acids:
These are known to promote the development of cancer. Margarine, fried and baked foods are rich in trans fatty acids.
Which Foods Kills Prostate Cancer?
Although studies have not been able to draw firm conclusions about the healing effects of food on prostate cancer, there are some foods that may boost your recovery. some of them are:
• Protein Rich Food: Lentils and Soyabean.
• Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich foods: Green tea.
• Lycopene-rich foods: ripe and processed tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, guava, and papaya, pomegranate.
• Cruciferous vegetables: Cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, spinach and banana.
What is the best Exercise for people with Prostate Cancer?
Prostate Cancer Exercise
• You can do Kegel workout before surgery. Rest or sit on a seat depending on your comfort level, in any case contact your pelvis on the floor for 10-seconds and rest 10-seconds. Repeat the same for five minutes. Do this activity thrice every day at any rate until you go in for surgery.
• Start with a gentle contraction while you are lying down after surgery as advised by your doctor. Hold the contraction pose for 3 seconds, relax for 15 seconds. Do this for five repetitions and continue three times a day. Do the same in the next step sitting or standing. Start with a five-second hold and 15-second rest.
Home Remedies for Prostate Cancer.

• Green tea contains catechins (antioxidants) which are abundant in the product. It shows a better immune system and potentially slows down the progression of prostate cancer.
• Lycopene is a pigment that can be found naturally in fruits and vegetables. Lycopene has been reported to help slow the progression of benign prostate cancer. Eating tomatoes rich in lycopene is recommended to reduce growth.
• Omega-3 fatty acids have a tendency to fight inflammation and thus fight prostate cancer. Salmon and mackerel fish are high in omega 3 fatty acids.
• Stinging nettle contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds and these are essential for fighting prostate cancer.
(Disclaimer : The purpose of this health-related article is to wake you up and aware of your health and to provide health-related information. Your doctor has a better understanding of your health and there is no substitute for their advice.)
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