- Heart rhythm disorder, also known as arrhythmia, refers to an irregular or abnormal heart rate or rhythm.
Bollywood Actress Deepika Padukone, who was shooting for the film Project ‘K’ with actor Prabhas in Hyderabad, suffered a sudden cardiac arrest, after which she was immediately rushed to Kamineni Hospital in Hyderabad. Although now he is fine and on the advice of the doctor is on rest. But on this pretext, people’s attention was drawn to that condition of the heart, which in medical language is called Heart Arrhythmia. Let us know everything about this situation. Because after 40 we all should be aware of our heart health.

Understanding Rapid Heartbeat Rhythm Disorder or Arrhythmia?
The electrical system of the heart affects the heartbeat. The normal heartbeat is also thrown off when the electrical system is disturbed. In this case, the heart can start beating very fast or it can also be very slow. This is called Heart Rhythm Disorder.
The work of the heart is very complex. It moves nutrients and blood throughout the body. The heart beats at a steady pace so you can hear it. The electrical system controls the heartbeat. When there is a problem with that system, the heartbeat becomes abnormal. The heart rate also increases when you have run. But it is normal to have high heartbeat for some time, but it can be dangerous if it persists forever. In many cases, a heart rhythm disorder can cause problems. This can also cause heart disease.
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What are the Symptoms for Heart Rhythm Disorder?, Causes of Heart Rhythm Disorders, Treatment Options
A healthy heart beats 60 to 100 times per minute. The heart rate may increase during exercise or under stress. It beats slowly while sleeping. It is normal for the heart to speed up or slow down. For this reason, when there is a abnormal heart rate, many people are unable to feel it. The common symptoms of heart rhythm disorder are as follows-
- Palpitations, or “Skip Beats”
- Feeling of vibration in the chest
- Feeling sensation in the heart
- Feeling faint or tired
- Having a headache
- Shortness of breath
- Restlessness
- Apart from heart rhythm disorder, all these symptoms can also be due to anxiety, stress or other reasons.
- Feeling of fluttering in the throat and chest
- Fast Heartbeat
- Low Heartbeat
- Feeling pain in the Chest
- Feeling short of Breath
- Dizziness
- Sweating profusely
- Fainting or becoming unconscious
Types of Heart Rhythm Disorders.
There are many types of heart rhythm disorder. Know about them-
1. Adams-Stokes Disease
It is also called Stoke Adam’s disease. This is a condition similar to blocking the heart. This slows down the heart rate significantly. Due to which you can also faint. It occurs when the heart’s electrical system is disrupted.
2. Atrial Flutter
Atrial flutter occurs when rapid electrical signals to the muscles of the heart’s upper chambers cause the heart to beat too fast. Atrial flutter can happen to anyone.
3. Sick Sinus Syndrome
When the sinus node cannot conduct its electrical signals properly, the heart rate slows down. This is known as sinus syndrome.
4. Sinus Arrhythmia
This disease is mostly found in children. If the heart beats faster or slower while inhaling and exhaling, it is called sinus arrhythmia.
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Cause of Rapid Heartbeat
Heart beat is affected by many reasons. Sometimes there can be a change in the heartbeat even when the weather changes. In winter, the temperature drops and the heart rate can suddenly increase. If you are feeling a change in heart beat while walking, sleeping or doing strenuous work, then it is not a matter of panic.
The reason for fast heart beat can be of various types, but if the reason for fast heart beat is less sleep, anxiety, stress or sleeping disorder, then you need to pay attention to your health. Irregular heartbeat causes many types of problems. In such a situation, it becomes very important to get a doctor’s examination done.
Causes of Heart Rhythm Disorder
If there is any kind of interruption in electrical impulses, then abnormal heart rate can occur. The heart rate of a person with a healthy heart should be between 60-100 beats per minute. The more fit a person is, the lower their heart rate is. For example, Olympic athletes usually have resting heart rates of less than 60 beats per minute because their hearts are so strong. Abnormal heart rate can occur due to many reasons as –
- Eating more medicine
- Alcohol
- Drinking more coffee
- having heart disease
- Smoking
- Some diet
- Some herbal medicines
- some medicines
A healthy person will rarely suffer from a heart rhythm disorder for a long time. If someone uses drugs excessively, his electrical system becomes unbalanced. Due to which the chances of abnormal heart rate increases.
Other Causes of Irregular Heartbeat
Irregular heartbeat is caused by improper electrical signal transmission. This happens when special nerve cells do not properly conduct electrical impulses to the heart. On the other hand, if the electrical signal starts from another part of the heart, then there can be a problem of arrhythmia.
The problem of arrhythmia starts in the following circumstances.
- Heart attack problem
- Heart problem due to previous heart attack
- Changes in the structure of the heart such as cardiomyopathy
- Obstruction of the heart’s arteries
- High blood pressure
- Overactive thyroid gland (Hyperthyroidism)
- Underactive thyroid gland (Hypothyroidism)
- Living under stress
- Diabetes problem
- Genetics
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Risk Factors for Arrhythmia
For what reasons can the problem of arrhythmia increase? The problem of arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat can increase due to the following reasons:

- Heart attack, heart failure, narrow heart valve or congenital heart defect, heart surgery or cardiovascular problem.
- In case of high blood pressure, due to coronary artery disease, the risk of arrhythmia may increase. In addition, the left ventricle becomes excessively stiff (which is why there is a problem with the electrical impulse).
- Having Thyroid Problem.
- Consuming medicines of your own free will.
- In case of high blood pressure and Diabetes level is not cured, the risk of arrhythmia can increase.
- Consumption of excessive alcohol can cause arrhythmias.
- Excessive amounts of caffeine or nicotine can trigger arrhythmias.
The problem of arrhythmia can occur when there is a problem of electrolyte irregularities such as potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium.
How can Arrhythmia be Recognized?
The Electrocardiogram is the most common way to detect arrhythmias. But if it is intermittent, it can be difficult to detect even through ECG. In such a case an external loop recorder is used. If the Arrhythmia occurs very rarely, an implantable recorder is used to detect it.
How can Arrhythmia be cured?
Only your doctor will decide how it can be cured and what can be the best treatment to cure it. To fix it, they must first find out its cause. For this, he can also do different types of tests on you. To cure this, he can also give you many anti arrhythmia drugs. If there is a possibility of your heart block, then pace maker implantation can also be done in that case. AICD implantation is used to prevent ventricular tachycardia.
Should You Talk to a Doctor About Panic?
If you get jittery or dizzy, you must talk to your doctor about it. These types of symptoms can also give you symptoms of many life-threatening diseases. By the way, arrhythmia is normal and for that you do not need to go to the doctor much. But if you have these symptoms, you must go to the doctor.
When to take Doctor’s advice?
If you have frequent dizziness or lightheadedness, you should talk to your doctor about it. These types of symptoms can be knock of many deadly diseases. In such a situation, it is not right to ignore it. Although Arrhythmia is normal and it does not require many visits to the Doctor, but you must go to the Doctor if you have these symptoms. Otherwise the situation can become serious.
Disclaimer : The article’s sole purpose is to wake you up for your health and to provide you the best collective and verified information. We do not recommend for any kind of medicine or treatment. You should only seek to your Doctor or Medical Counselor Because there is no one better than him.
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