Autoimmune Diseases: Types and Treatment

People have very little knowledge about auto immune disease. In some people, auto immune disease remains for many years and people are not able to die. Autoimmune disease is said to be a change in cells within the body and a crisis of identity. Many times, due to autoimmune disease, there is antagonism in the cells of the body against each other. Pain is the most prominent symptom in most Autoimmune Diseases.

Types of Autoimmune Diseases, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment Strategies, Living with Autoimmune Disease

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Autoimmune Disease is a condition in which one’s own body becomes its own enemy. That is, in this the patient’s own immune system starts attacking its own healthy cells. The job of the Immune System is to protect our body from bacteria, viruses, parasites and other micro-organisms. As soon as the Immune System senses the invasion of bacteria, viruses, parasites and other micro-organisms, the Immune System immediately becomes active and attacks the foreign body or cells (Micro-Organism).

But in autoimmune disease, the immune system starts attacking the normal cells of the body considering them as foreign, micro-organisms. So that condition is called Autoimmune Disease. Some autoimmune diseases target only one organ, but some autoimmune diseases are such that they affect the whole body.

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What are the Symptoms of Auto Immune Disease?

If we talk about the symptoms of auto immune disease then it is very common. Its symptoms are so common that people get to know about it after many days. In some people, pain is the most prominent symptom of an autoimmune disease. Along with pain in the joints, problems in the digestive system and fever with swelling in any internal part of the body are also considered to be the main symptoms.

Talking about the symptoms of Autoimmune Disease, there are many symptoms which are commonly seen.
• Fatigue
• Skin Problems
• Joint Pain & Swelling
• Abdominal Pain
• Digestive Problem
• Fever
• Swollen in Glands
• Nausea

Autoimmune Diseases: Symptoms, Types, Causes and Treatment

What are the types of Autoimmune Disease?

There are about 18 types of Autoimmune Diseases, some of which we have listed below.
autoimmune disease list :

• Type 1 Diabetes
• Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
• Myasthenia gravis
• Addison’s Disease
• Autoimmune Vasculitis
• Pernicious Anemia
• Celiac Disease
• Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
• Psoriasis
• Inflammatory Bowl Disease (IBD)
• Grave’s Disease
• Sjogren’s Syndrome
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

Must Know About H. Pylori Bacterial Infection

How to Diagnosis Autoimmune Diseases?

Autoimmune disease cannot be diagnosed by a single test. To diagnose an autoimmune disease, doctors first do a physical examination and then look at the symptoms and order some tests.

For example, ANA (Antinuclear Sedimentation Rate) test is a test by which
Autoimmune disease can be diagnosed. If this test comes positive, then the doctor can suggest another test for confirmation.

Some other Autoimmune Disease related tests
• Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
• C-reactive Protein (CRP)
• Urine Exam R/M

What is the Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases?

Talking about the treatment of Autoimmune Diseases, there is no specific treatment for it. There is treatment according to every disorder.
Autoimmune diseases are mostly pain and inflammation, so for its treatment Analgesics to reduce pain, NSAIDs to reduce both pain and inflammation, Steroids which reduce inflammation and control the immune system.

What is the Risk Factor of Autoimmune Diseases?

Risk Factor means who has more chances of getting Autoimmune Disease.
• Over Weight
• Smoking
• Some Medicines

What to Eat in Autoimmune Disease?

  1. Consume old rice, barley, maize, rye, wheat, millet, corn and oatmeal in grains.
  2. Consume moong dal, masoor dal and black dal in pulses. Peas and soybeans are also beneficial.
  3. Consume apple, guava, papaya, cherry, berries, apricot, mango, watermelon, avocado, pineapple, banana, parwal, gourd, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli in fruits and vegetables.

Who is at risk of Autoimmune Diseases?

Heredity plays an important role in autoimmune diseases. If anyone in your family has any type of autoimmune disease, then you too can have this type of disease. Along with genetic factors, environmental factors also play an important role in this disease. The risk of this disease is higher in women than in men.

(Disclaimer :  The purpose of this health-related article is to wake you up and aware of your health and to provide health-related information. Your doctor has a better understanding of your health and there is no substitute for their advice.)

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