Mental Health
Understanding Alzheimer Disease
The Risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is increased if there has been a moderate or severe traumatic brain injury, such as a head bump or cranial injury that has caused loss of consciousness or memory for more than 30 minutes. . Motor vehicle accidents account for 50 percent of traumatic brain injuries.
Cardiac Arrest : Why Does it Occur More in the Morning? Silent Heart Attack
On this, experts say that this is due to the release of some hormones from the body. During around 4 am, our body releases a hormone called cytokinin which can cause arrhythmia or sudden cardiac arrest. According to a study by researchers at Oregon Health and Science University, our body’s internal clock is responsible for this.
10 Ways to Live a Happy Life | Sukhi Jeevan Kaise Jiye
Let us know 10 ways to live a happy life (sukhi jeevan kaise jiye). Today’s lifestyle has become very stressful due to which our nature has also started becoming irritable. In such a situation, neither we are able to be happy in our personal life nor are we able to take any right decision for ourselves.
The Unbeatable Benefits of Yoga
Due to the busy lifestyle of today, people do not have time to do yoga and exercise. But in the Corona period, people have understood the importance of yoga very well. During this time people are resorting to yoga to increase their immunity and stay stress free. If you do yoga regularly, you can always be physically and mentally healthy.
How Smartphones Kills Silently | Smartphones are Reason Depression and Anxiety.
It has been seen that depression is a major cause of self-murder. When a person frustrated with life starts chancing himself helpless, also he gets trapped in the quagmire of depression. Complicated questions, disappointing answers, and query take a person to a point where prospects are veritably low.