Strep throat infection caused by Streptococcus bacteria usually occurs in children and teenagers. Symptoms are high fever, abdominal pain and red, swollen tonsils. Medical advice and examination is necessary in these symptoms. It is very important to check it at the right time and get the right treatment, because its infection spreads very fast and there can be a risk of heart disease in children.

This infection is generally treated with antibiotics. It may take a few days to a week to recover from this contagion, due to which children may have to be discharged from school. According to research published in the journal ‘Pediatric Infectious Diseases’, if the child is given Amoxicillin, he can go to school the very next day and there is no danger to other children. Lets know more about Strep Throat Symptoms, Causes, Prevention, Treatment and Sore Throat Treatment.
What is Strep Throat?,Treating Strep Throat Infection
Strep throat is a contagious disease, which can also happen to a healthy person by coming in contact with an infected person. If a sick person coughs or sneezes in front of you, you may also have strep throat. Throat culture test is done to confirm whether someone has strep throat or not. However, even after seeing some symptoms, doctors tell whether you have strep throat or not. Antibiotics are given in this, so that strep throat gets relief. Antibiotics destroy bacteria.
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What are the Symptoms of Strep Throat?, Symptom Identification, Home Care Tips
Symptoms appear 2 to 5 days after exposure to strep germs. These symptoms include:
• Feeling of pain in the throat or difficulty in eating food.
• Fever.
• Headache.
• Red rashes
• Abdominal pain.
• Loss of appetite and nausea.
• Pain in the muscles.
• Feeling of strain in the joints.
• Swelling or white spots or pus in the toes.
• Having small red pimples on the mouth.
• Swelling or hardening of the lymph glands in the neck.
• Apart from these symptoms, there may be other symptoms.
What Causes Strep Throat?
Strep throat infection is caused by infection with Streptococcus bacteria or its group. The following are the reasons for this:
• Coming in contact with people who have a cold.
• Eating and drinking each other’s lies.
• Being in close proximity to an infected individual.
What are Strep Throat Complications?
The problem of strep throat is not a serious physical problem or disease, but if some things like if its symptoms are ignored, then the suffering of the patients can increase. If this problem increases, then there is a danger of spreading the infection in the following body parts. As:
• Tonsils
• Ear
• Blood
• Sinus
• Skin
The spread of infection in these above mentioned body organs can increase the problems of the patients. That’s why start the treatment after understanding the initial symptoms.
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How to Strep Throat Diagnosed?
Based on the symptoms, strep throat is diagnosed through a physical examination and tests. These doctors decide which tests to get the patient done:
• Throat Culture: This is done to check for bacteria.
• Doctor can advise the patient to get rapid antigen test done.
How to Treat Strep Throat?
People who are at high risk of infection are given antibiotics. Patients can also eat penicillin. Patients who are allergic to penicillin can take other medicines. Amoxicillin suspension can be given to children. Children may like its taste. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be taken to reduce pain and fever.
Aspirin can be given to children to avoid the risk of Reye’s syndrome. Resting, drinking plenty of water, eating nutritious food, gargling with warm salt water, using a humidifier, and avoiding cigarette smoke can help people feel better.
Lifestyle Changes for Strep Throat.
Strep throat can be avoided by adopting the following tips:
• Hands should be washed to avoid infection. Be sure to wash your hands before eating anything.
• Complete the course of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. Do not stop taking medicine on your own.
• Do not come in contact with the person suffering from Strep Throat Infection or do not eat their contaminated food.
• Soup, cooked food, boiled potatoes and yogurt can be consumed.
• If you are sick yourself, do not cough or sneeze into someone’s mouth.
• You can adopt some home remedies for Strep Throat, but must consult a doctor.
Why Does Throat Infection Gappen?
• Cold and Viral Infections
Colds and viral infections can be the cause of throat infection. You can get a sore throat, discomfort, dryness, swelling, and fever as a result.
• Bacterial infection
The main causes of throat infection include bacterial infection in the throat. Strep throat is caused by a bacterial infection that can lead to infection of the throat and tonsils.
• Allergies
There can also be complaints of throat infection due to allergies. Allergies can be caused by pollution, pets, any type of fragrance/smell, weak immune system or other reasons.
• Pollution
Due to increasing dirt and pollution, many problems are happening, throat infection is also one of them. Smoking cigarettes or being exposed to secondhand smoke can increase your risk of throat infection.
What is the Difference Between Strep Throat and Sore Throat?
Both strep throat and sore throat are throat problems that are difficult to differentiate. Let us know how to understand the difference between these two.
What are Sore Throat and Strep Throat?
Sore Throat or Strep Throat can be the cause of sore throat. There are some similarities as well as some differences between these two situations. There is a problem of pain and soreness in the sore throat.
Throat pain is the first symptom of sore throat, while strep throat is caused by a bacterial infection in the throat. There is also a problem of sore throat in this. Strep throat is less common than sore throat. Generally people are unable to differentiate between these two problems due to similar symptoms. Due to not understanding the problem properly, its treatment is also not right.
Causes of Sore Throat.
The most common cause of sore throat is viral infection. There are many viruses that cause sore throat. Pharyngitis can be brought on by the rhinovirus, measles, influenza, and other viruses. Throat swelling can also be caused by bacteria. Some bacterial infections are very dangerous. such as diphtheria. In this, due to the closure of the membrane of the throat, breathing can stop. Mouth ulcers can also cause swelling of the throat.
Symptoms of Sore Throat
The common symptoms of sore throat are as follows – red and swollen throat. Swelling of tonsils. Tonsils are part of the body’s immune system. When the tonsils are swollen, the pain in the whole throat increases. In this disease, there is pain in the lungs and feels congested. This can infect the entire respiratory system. Due to the closure of the nasal passage, there is difficulty in breathing. Fever is common with sore throat as the immune system is trying to kill the virus. If you are seeing all these symptoms, then understand that you have a sore throat problem.
Remedies for Sore Throat.
For this type of sore throat, the doctor prescribes anti-fungal medicines. Usually doctors give medicine for 8-10 days. If you stop taking the medicine too soon, this problem can happen again. Over-the-counter medications can also be taken for very mild sore throat. Pain relievers usually also bring down the fever.
Do not take aspirin if you have influenza. Aspirin can cause side effects in patients with influenza. Many people also resort to home remedies for mild pain and swelling of the throat. For relief from sore throat, gargling with warm salt water can be done. Drinking more and more warm drinks such as tea, soup and water also gives relief to the throat.
Home Remedies For Throat Infection.

Home remedies for throat infection are possible. If you want to get rid of the problem of throat infection sitting at home, then you can use the following home remedies: –
• Garlic
Garlic has anti-bacterial properties which help in curing throat infection. Keep the clove of garlic under the teeth and suck it.
• Turmeric
Turmeric has not one but a thousand benefits. In case of throat infection, mix one or half teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of milk and consume it.
• Ginger
Ginger has anti-bacterial properties which help in getting rid of throat infection. Ginger can be consumed with lukewarm water or tea.
• Mulethi
Keep a small lump of licorice in your mouth and chew it for some time. This gives relief from pain and swelling in the throat.
• Raisins
Chew and eat 4-6 raisins daily in the morning. This gives relief from throat infection.
• Apple vinegar
Mixing 2 spoons of apple vinegar in lukewarm water and taking it gets rid of throat infection. Also, you can gargle with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of lukewarm water.
• Fig
Boil 4-5 figs well in a glass of water. Filter the water when it has cooled to room temperature and drink it.
• Basil
Make a decoction by mixing 3-4 basil leaves and 2-3 black pepper in a glass of water and consume it.
• Honey
Honey is also very beneficial in throat infection. Consume one spoonful of the lukewarm honey mixture.
The Difference is Clear from the Doctor’s Examination.
Throat pain can have many causes, even though they may have similar symptoms. Therefore it is recommended that you get yourself tested for strep throat by your doctor. Throat culture test is done to detect this condition. A device will clear your throat.
That device will be placed in a cup to see if the infection grows or not. If the infection progresses, then the patient has strep throat infection. Only then will your doctor decide which medicines to give you. Otherwise, very heavy medicines are not given for simple sore throat. For that, sometimes one or two doses of antibiotics or warm water gargles work.
(Disclaimer : The purpose of this health-related article is to wake you up and aware of your health and to provide health-related information. Your doctor has a better understanding of your health and there is no substitute for their advice.)