What is Liver Transplant | When Should Move To Transplant | Process, Cost and Complications

Liver Transplant is a surgical procedure in which the liver is surgically removed after failure or non-functioning of the liver. In this process, if the damaged part of the liver or the complete liver is damaged, it is removed and replaced by a healthy liver of the donor. In this article you will know What is Liver Transplant, Process, Cost and Complications and when we should move for transplant.

What is Liver Transplant | When Need To Transplant | Process, Cost and Complications | www.wakeupforhealth.coom

Liver Transplant: An Overview

Liver Transplant is the only curative option available for a patient who develops cirrhosis of the liver due to any reason (Chronic Hepatitis B, Chronic Hepatitis C, Alcoholic Cirrhosis, etc.). When a patient is diagnosed with cirrhosis it cannot be reversed with any non-surgical treatment.

1• From time to time, there may be a worsening problem in the liver function of the patient.

2• The resulting complications of cirrhosis (bloody vomiting, black stools, jaundice, altered sensorium, kidney dysfunction, abdominal swelling, etc.) are labeled as “decompensated cirrhosis”.

3• These patients need liver transplant at the earliest and should be referred to liver transplant center immediately.

4• Ideally all patients suffering from cirrhosis should be followed up by a Gastroenterologist / Hepatologist.

5• The source of graft liver can be from a deceased brain-dead donor or a living-related donor from two sources and are called DDLT (Decomposed Donor Liver Transplant) and LDLT (Living Donor Liver Transplant) respectively.

6• However, both DDLT and LDLT have about 90% success rates and both procedures have their own benefits and goals.

7• Also the decision to go for DDLT and LDLT may differ for a particular patient.

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What is the Procedure of Liver Transplant?, Indications and Costs, Potential Complications

Before Liver Transplant

• All recipients and living donors undergo a thorough evaluation prior to the transplant procedure.

• Which includes blood tests, imaging studies, cardiac and pulmonary fitness tests. Multidisciplinary consultation is obtained before approval for liver transplant.

• The entire procedure is explained by the doctor.

• You need to sign a consent form before the transplant. Which allows the doctor to perform surgery.

• Eating is not allowed for at least 8 hours prior to surgery.

• If you cannot rest before surgery, a sedative may be given.

What is Liver Transplant | When Should Move To Transplant | Process, Cost and Complications |  The Donor and Receiver Surgery of Liver Transplant
Image Credit : ShriRamaKrishnaHospital

After Liver Transplant

Receiver Surgery is between 12-16 Hrs and Donor Surgery is between 8-12 Hrs.

• After the surgical procedure is complete, you will be taken to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and will be closely observed for several days.

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Immediately After Liver Transplant Surgery.

You will most likely have a tube in your throat.

This is so that you can breathe with the help of a machine (ventilator) until you cannot breathe on your own.

The ventilator tube will be removed the next morning when all the parameters are found satisfactory.

All parameters are monitored by critical care doctors and staff for a few days.

The recipient has to stay in the hospital for three weeks and the donor is discharged in a week.

Blood samples will be collected on regular basis to check the new liver function.

Antibiotics will be administered through IV channels to protect you from infection.

The area where the operation was done should always be kept clean after you reach home.

Any stitches or surgical sutures will be removed at the follow-up visit.

What are the Complications after Liver Transplant?

Blood Clot
Donated liver failure
Bile duct complications such as narrowing or leakage
Rejecting the liver received by the body
Mental confusion

Liver is one of the largest internal organ of our body which is very important for performing many functions. Apart from this, the process of liver transplant is the last treatment option which is done in case of end stage chronic liver disease due to high complications.

What are Liver Diseases?

Liver is one of the essential organs present in our body.

It has to perform many functions like metabolism, energy storage, detoxify etc.

Also, they work by digesting food, converting it into energy and storing energy until needed. The work of the liver is also to filter out toxic elements from the blood.

Any condition that affects the liver is called liver disease.
There can be many reasons for their development, but apart from affecting the liver function, they can also damage the liver.

What are the Symptoms of Liver Disease?

What is Liver Transplant | When Should Move To Transplant | Process, Cost and Complications |

The symptoms of liver disease depend on the underlying cause. However, there are some common symptoms that may indicate liver disease such as –

Dark urine
Black or bloody stools
Swelling of abdomen, feet or ankles
Skin itching
Loss of appetite
Being tired
Peels easily

What is the reason for Liver Weakness?

Fatty Liver
Lifestyle factors like Sitting etc.

What are the Symptoms of Liver Damage?

Pain on the Right Side in the Upper Abdomen
Change in urine color

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How to be a Liver Donor?

A liver donor is one who is willing to donate his liver.

There is a process of transplant in which many tests are done, it is necessary to match the liver.

During surgery, an incision is made under the ribs of the donor and part of the liver is taken out as needed.

What is the Difference Between Liver and Kidney?

Liver is 1 while kidney is 2 which is on left and right side.

The work of kidney is to filter the food in the body.

On the other hand, the function of the liver is to regulate the level of chemical in the blood and excrete it in the form of bile.

How Much Weight and Position of Liver?

There is 1 liver in the human body.

Which is covered by ribs in our body.

It cannot be felt.

While the weight of liver ranges from 1500 grams to 2000 grams.

What is the Total Cost of a Liver Transplant in India and US?

Liver Transplant cost in Hyderabad and Delhi ranges vary from Aprox Rs. 19,00,000 to Rs. 28,00,000 (Nineteen Lakh to Twenty-Eight Lakh).

Liver Transplant Cost in The United States – Around $600,000. The average liver transplant is around $600,000 or more, including follow-up care and Medications after the Procedure.

(Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It is just to wake you up for your health purpose. Out intension is not to mislead or It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more details.)

4 thoughts on “What is Liver Transplant | When Should Move To Transplant | Process, Cost and Complications”

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