For some people, asthma is a minor problem while for others it is a serious disease that affects a person’s daily activities and can lead to a life-threatening asthma attack. Asthma cannot be cured but its symptoms can be controlled. The condition of this disease also changes with time, so the patient of asthma should be in constant contact with the doctor so that the symptoms of asthma that change over time can be identified.

Understanding Asthma
Asthma is a lung disease in which the airways become narrowed, inflamed, and produce excess phlegm or mucus. This causes difficulty in breathing, cough and wheezing in the throat. Nowadays this disease has become very common and complaints of this asthma are found in most of the people. In this article, you will know about the causes of asthma attack, symptoms of asthma, diagnosis, prevention, Treatment, home remedies & side effects of treatment.
What are the Risk factors of Asthma?, Types and Causes, Effective Treatments
Many factors are responsible for the development of asthma disease. Some of these are as follows-
• If parents have asthma, then their children can also fall prey to this disease.
• Being overweight, using old cigarettes or beedis, living in polluted places and using chemicals in agriculture increase the risk of getting this disease.
Types of Asthma
If you’re struggling with the signs of Asthma – shortness of breath, a relentless hack or tightness in the chest – an allergist can give you a diagnosis and identify the root cause to be able to take control. Study the most widely recognized types of Asthma:
• Exercise induced asthma
• Nocturnal asthma
• Occupational asthma
• Steroid-resistant asthma (severe asthma)
• Allergic asthma
• Asthma-COPD overlap
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What are the Symptoms of Asthma?
The Symptoms of Asthma appear differently in each person. Some people get asthma attacks occasionally, some people have asthma symptoms only while exercising, while in some people the symptoms of this disease are always present.
Symptoms of Asthma are as follows-
• Shortness of Breath
• Chest Tightness or Pain
• Trouble sleeping due to difficulty in breathing, wheezing, phlegm and mucus in the throat.
• Wheezing while exhaling is a common symptom of asthma in children.
• Increased phlegm and mucus in the throat due to infection in the respiratory tract due to cold-cold or fever.
• Also some people have more asthma symptoms during exercise and these symptoms become more severe in cold or dry air.
• People working in factories are exposed to dust, gas, smoke and chemicals which aggravate asthma symptoms.
How to Diagnose Asthma?
To detect the disease of asthma in the patient, doctors do a physical test of the patient. Apart from this, the doctor also asks about any member of the patient’s family suffering from this disease. The doctor listens to the patient’s lung sounds using a stethoscope and diagnoses the disease by checking for wheezing, swollen nostrils, watery nose, and examination of sputum.
Lung function test is done to detect this disease, which is called Spirometry. Through this test, it is detected that how fast a person is breathing and exhaling. Apart from this, the doctor also advises the patient to get an allergy test done.
What are the Preventions of Asthma?

• Although there is no way to prevent asthma, but some precautions can be taken from your side to avoid asthma.
• Everyone should get the pneumonia and influenza vaccines to prevent hay fever and pneumonia that cause asthma.
• Your body has to be safeguarded from circumstances like air pollution, pollen, allergic reactions, and cold air since these things might trigger asthma attacks.
• Regular health tests should be done and the doctor should keep taking information about his health.
• Phlegm, phlegm, wheezing, shortness of breath, etc. disorders in the throat affect the function of the lungs and directly invite asthma, so if such problems are felt, go to the doctor immediately.
• Keep complete information about asthma symptoms, and go to the doctor as soon as these symptoms appear. Because initially these symptoms can be completely controlled through some medicines.
How long does Asthma Cough last?
There are different forms of cough when it comes to asthma, one of them being the pertussis-variant known as chronic cough which can last for 6-8 weeks.
Other types of asthma are triggered depending on your physical activities and environment. For example, nocturnal asthma refers to an attack that usually occurs at night.
What is the Treatment for Asthma?
There is no cure for Asthma. A person should see a doctor if symptoms of asthma appear and consult a doctor to control the disease. Generally doctors give some medicines to save the patient from asthma or to reduce the symptoms of asthma. Apart from this, asthma therapy is also given to the patient so that the symptoms of asthma can be eliminated.
Asthma treatment seeks to reduce inflammation in the airways and avoidance of any allergens is recommended. The main aim of the treatment is to reduce asthma attacks and make daily activities easier by making the patient’s breathing normal. Asthma inhalers are considered a good method to relieve asthma symptoms because in this method the drugs are delivered directly to the lungs with little side effects. Some asthma medicines are also given in pill or injectable form.
Side Effects of Asthma Treatment.
Side effects associated with symptom controllers such as formoterol can cause chest pain, sore throat, hoarseness, wheezing, choking, and other breathing problems. It can also worsen the symptoms of asthma. A preventive, side effects of fluticasone include sores and white patches in the mouth and throat, weakness, nausea, vomiting, flu symptoms, runny nose, fever, chills, and noisy breathing.
Side effects associated with reliever medication such as terbutaline are headache, dizziness, drowsiness, palpitations, nervousness, shortness of breath, and a fast heartbeat. Combination inhaler can change a person’s voice by causing infection in the mouth and can also cause cough, sore throat, headache and cavities. Bronchial Thermoplasty is a surgical procedure that can cause headache, increased lactic acid content of the body, hyperglycemia, skeletal muscle tremors, and potassium depletion.
What are the Causes of Asthma?
The exact causes of asthma are not yet known. But genetic and environmental factors are responsible behind this disease. The disease can develop in childhood due to environmental factors such as viral infections or allergies. Asthma is usually triggered by excessive smoking, tobacco use, dust mites, air pollution, pollen, respiratory tract infections, cold air, physical activity, allergic reactions and certain foods.
Apart from this, this disease also occurs due to excessive stress and being emotionally weak. Beverages such as beer, wine, foods such as dried fruits can also cause this disease.
How Can Control Asthma by Home Remedies?
While there are many medical treatments for Asthma, here are some common Asthma Remedies that may provide some relief:
Mustard oil mixed with camphor is a powerful mixture for treating asthma. Rub this mixture all over the chest until you get relief from asthma. Heating the oil before kneading guarantees that you’ll feel that glow that helps fast.
Eucalyptus oil is a convenient way to keep asthma under control. Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to a bowl of bubbling water and inhale the steam. This helps to open any nasal blockage to encourage easy breathing.
Given the countless benefits it has for your health and body, it’s really not surprising that ginger is considered a superfood. It is also viable against asthma. Make a medicine by taking ginger, nectar and pomegranate in equal quantity and consume it 2-3 times a day.
The caffeine present in coffee helps in treating asthma. It clears the nasal passages so that you can breathe effectively. In the event that you do not lean towards espresso, go for dark tea. In any case, limit intake to 3 cups per day.

What is Treatments For Asthma?
This may include:
• Herbal Remedy.
• Total.
• Relaxation Therapy.
• Biofeedback.
• Over the Counter Rub.
These types of methods have very little effect. Consult your doctor before choosing any option as they can be harmful if it is not suitable for you.
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Physical Exercise for Asthma Patients.
Since asthma affects your lungs, it is advised to keep your fitness regime light and discuss it with your doctor first. Physically avoid any kind of pressure on the lungs, this can make the condition worse.
Here are some exercises that you can use for a healthy lifestyle:
1). Swimming: Swimming in warm, humid water is a great form of exercise for those with asthma. The pressure of the water on your chest can help you breathe better. Make sure it is free of pollen and high levels of chlorine.
2). Walking: Waking up early in the morning and walking can be beneficial for the patient. Do not overuse your lungs as this can make the condition worse. If it’s cold outside, use an indoor track to keep it moving.
3). Hiking: To spice up your fitness regime, you can hike at a steady incline or on nearly flat areas. Be sure to check for any allergic pollens to prevent further complications.
4). Sports with short periods of Exertion: Sports such as cycling, football, golf, gymnastics, etc. Keep space for an intermission when you feel low on oxygen during exercise.
(Disclaimer : The purpose of this health-related article is to wake you up and aware of your health and to provide health-related information. Your doctor has a better understanding of your health and there is no substitute for their advice.)
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