Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children |Symptoms Causes Treatment
Health Healing, Emotion & Behaviour, Mental Health

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children |Symptoms Causes Treatment

Does your child find it difficult to concentrate on a task? Does he have trouble staying in one place? Does his behavior include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. If he has these problems and you feel they are negatively affecting his daily life, it could be a sign of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Multiple Sclerosis - MS Symptoms, Types, Diagnose, Treatment & Diet
Health with Nature, General Health, Health Tips, Nutrition & Fitness

Multiple Sclerosis: Understanding Symptoms and Treatment

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects the central nervous system i.e. the spinal cord and brain. It has the potential to incapacitate a person. If a person has multiple sclerosis, the immune system goes on the offense against the myelin that protects nerve fibers. This results in problems with communication between the brain and the rest of the body.

Zombie Gene After Death
Health with Nature

Understanding the Zombie Gene and Its Activation After Death

When the flow of oxygen to the body stops, within few minutes, all the systems of the organs come to a dead lock. This is called point of no return, i.e. from were return isn’t possible of life. This is the condition when the temperature of the body keeps falling by 1.5 to 2.0 degrees every hour. Due to the death of cells, body odor starts. It means that everything in the body has stopped. 

H.Pylori-Symptoms & Treatment
Health with Nature, General Health, Health Healing, Nutrition & Fitness

H. Pylori Infection: Symptoms, Causes, and Cure

H. Pylori infection can happen from young children to old people. Because H. Pylori infection may not show symptoms, people often go undiagnosed about the initial infection. Contaminated food and drink can be the main cause of H. pylori infection. This infection is more common in developing countries. Up to 10% of children and 80% of adults are susceptible to H. Pylori Infection.

Teenage Stress | Causes of Teenage Stress | How Parenting of Parents Reduce Teenage Pressure
Mental Health, Emotion & Behaviour, Health Healing

Teenage Stress | Causes of Teenage Stress | How Parenting of Parents Reduce Teenage Pressure

Everyone feels stressed from time to time. Stress is of different types in a person of every age. Stress is also present in teenage children. But the causes of stress can be different. Physical changes in boys and girls of this age can also be a reason for stress. In this age, the physical changes that come against their thinking and they do not have knowledge about it, then they can get stressed.

Raisin Fruit | Benefits of Raisin | Why Raisin Best Then Prunes & Apricots - Keeps Young
General Health, Health Tips, Nutrition & Fitness

Raisins Fruits: Benefits of Raisin | Why Raisin Best Then Prunes & Apricots – Keeps Young

NOT everyone is aware of the benefits of raisins. Still it remains a part of their taste. Here you are being informed about those excellent benefits of raisins. Surely if you eat 5-10 raisins daily, then you must definitely say that this is a very useful thing. Ayurveda Says – Raisin Fruit are one of the fruit which have unlimited benefits if we eat as similar Prunes and Apricots are beneficial to keeps you healthy and young.

Meal Prep - Healthy Meals -
Health Tips, General Health, Nutrition & Fitness

Meal Prep for Kids: Ensuring Healthy Eating

Through a good diet, the memory and immunity system of children are strengthened, so that they do not fall ill again and again and they develop well. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about some such things which should not be given to children even by mistake. All these things have a very bad effect on the health of children. Know below about Meal Prep and your child health.

bloating is not obesity -
General Health, Health Tips, Nutrition & Fitness

Bloating: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

There is a build-up of gas in your digestive tract that makes your stomach bulge out uncomfortably. Some people around you, even children, joke that you “look pregnant” when the belly swells too much. The actual form of flatulence is quite different from normal obesity, as the swelling in the stomach is temporary and is caused by air filling up in the stomach and causing your stomach to bloat.

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